To support practically and emotionally the family and other witnesses attending the Coroners’ Courts.
Registered Charity Number: 1105899 +44 (0)300 111 2141


Research Invitation

Voicing Loss: Meanings and implications of participation by bereaved people in inquests

The Institute for Crime and Justice Policy Research at Birkbeck University of London, and the Centre for Death and Society at the University of Bath, are undertaking research to explore bereaved peoples' experience in inquests and the wider process of coronial investigation across England and Wales.

The team would like to talk to bereaved people who have attended an inquest since 2013; people who work in coroners’ courts (including coroners, coroners’ officers and legal practitioners); and people who have given evidence at an inquest in a professional capacity since 2013. The study is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council and has research ethics approval from both Birkbeck University of London and the University of Bath.
Birkbeck uni